Buzzwords Guaranteed to Annoy
August 1, 2024“You know I, like you know, really like this, you know, blog you inserted in, you know, my life.”
-Darrel Watson (Commenting on my previous blog: “Buzzwords Guaranteed to Annoy”)
There is so much to love about September:
Official start of football season
Transition to autumn
Striking sapphire birthstone
Shared birthday with my husband, Rene
You read that right. Rene and I have the same birthday, September 1. Double Virgo power! WARNING: You’d better have your ideas and social events thoroughly outlined, because we Virgos require details. Ha!
What’s it like to have the same birthday as your spouse? Honestly, the bizarre phenomenon exists somewhere between awkward and fabulous. In years past we tried designating separate days so we could each have a special twenty-four-hour period of birthday treatment, but we never successfully pulled it off.
Instead, we learned to set realistic expectations. September 1 is always close to, or part of, Labor Day weekend, plus preschool, grade school, middle school, high school, and college classes just started or are about to start. Let’s not forget there are state fairs going on and high school and college fall sports to start enjoying again. And be sure to pick up some Palisade (Colorado) peaches before it’s too late!
Who has the time to celebrate another trip around the sun with your twin when there are so many distractions?
Yet another downside to having a birthday on September 1 is it’s still scorchy summer hot outside, even though we’re already drinking pumpkin beer.
So, Rene and I suck it up and go with the flow, grateful for good health, loving families, and so many incredible friends. We are truly blessed! Snow will begin flying before we know it, and we’ll be complaining about that soon enough.
A few weeks ago, I packed a go-bag and two boxes of photo albums in case we needed to evacuate due to wildfires. We were not in immediate danger, but I was feeling anxious. So, I spent a couple hours packing. While searching through our photo album cabinet, I discovered a scrapbook my father put together when I was born. Inside were several copies of a birth announcement Mom mailed out, plus part of the actual wristband I wore in the hospital.
Awww . . . so adorbs.
Before I go, heartfelt thanks to our dear friend, Ashley Haliko, for granting me permission to include this post’s darling cover photo, plus this photo from September 2023 on her son, Noah’s, first day of preschool.
Oh, the sweet innocence of a precious child and a cherished September soulmate.
Happy birthday, Rene!